Thursday, February 7, 2013

Brotherly Love

Today’s ultrasound was so much fun! Alex was such a good big brother, sitting on Daddy’s lap and watching the images on the tv without getting restless for almost the whole 30 minutes! I was so proud of him! This baby was much more interested in letting us know the gender as soon as possible – Alex took forever to let us see. Not this one – we have lots of proof!

18 weeks 1

We’re having another boy! Last night I decided it would be a girl since I’ve been much more emotional this time around – and even though I would have been happy with a girl, I’m kind of relieved to be having another boy. I really wanted Alex to have a little brother. I think they’re going to be hysterical together.

Here’s my favorite picture:

18 weeks 2

This one is pretty cool, too – you’re looking right at his face.

18 weeks 4

We really enjoyed meeting our new doctor today. He was very good at answering our questions and never made us feel rushed or like he wanted us to leave. He loved having Alex in the room with us and even shook his hand (Alex shook back)! Alex stood on the step to the examining table eating Goldfish, almost like he was guarding me. It was so funny!

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