Monday, February 25, 2013

Mommies Get Sick Too

After Alex eventually felt better, Tim and I developed the same nasty cold. Let me just say that it’s hard to keep up with a super active toddler when you aren’t feeling well! Needless to say, I wasn’t spending much time taking pictures or working on this blog. Once I did start to feel better, Alex and I were ready to get out of the house. So, we bundled up on a cold, rainy day and went to the mall to ride the choo-choo.

Watching the choo-choo just after arriving at the mall. Check out his awesome new jacket!

Waving the choo-choo into the station. He was very concerned it wasn’t going to stop for us!

I wish this one weren’t so blurry, because it’s sooo perfect! (We’re on the train now.)

Waiting to hand the conductor his ticket.

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