Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Still Having Fun

I ended up taking Alex to the pediatrician yesterday to check his wheezing and for a suspected ear infection. Turns out my mother’s intuition was dead on – he has a virus (luckily no flu or strep) and an ear infection. We have medicine now and he is finally getting his appetite back. Poor guy has barely eaten in 5 days! Fortunately, Alex has been in a good mood for most of this cold and is trying his best to be a good sport about being cooped up in the house. I just need him to stay patient another day or two while I get better!

Being goofy and trying out his big boy mask for the nebulizer.

I was trying everything to keep Alex in a good mood while doing a treatment at the pediatrician’s office.

The whole family making the best of a family sick day.

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