Thursday, May 30, 2013

Big Boy Bed!

Back in April, we transitioned Alex’s crib to a toddler bed, and he did a great job sleeping in it. He actually never once get out of bed – although he would still call, “Mommy up!” when he was ready to get up. Even though the rail on the side didn’t run the length of the bed, he only fell out once – oddly, that was the night before we built his big boy bed! Funny how timing works out sometimes.

The transition to the big boy bed has been a long time coming. My friend, Amanda, gave us a toddler bed frame, so all we had to do was buy a 2nd toddler mattress. Then, while shopping for the mattress and bedding, Alex and Tim fell in love with a twin bed at IKEA – I was overruled and we went home with the frame 2 weeks ago. Then Aunt Beth graciously donated her twin mattress to Alex, and it all came together after we picked it up last weekend. Thanks to Beth and Amanda for moving us along in the bed switch so I can get my act together and set up the nursery!!

Alex helping Daddy push his new bed frame at IKEA.
The kid loves doing laundry! Washing his rocket ship sheets.
We also bought construction sheets!
Good-bye, crib/toddler bed!
Hello, new big boy bed!
This bed actually has 3 settings. His mattress is on the floor, so there’s a little lip keeping him from rolling out. It can be raised above the blue bottom, or moved to the very top – we left the ladder disassembled to avoid the temptation to climb in the middle of the night.

So far, Alex has been super excited to go to bed for nap and bedtime and loves his big bed! You can see we still have the camera mounted under the canopy, so I still get to peek at him throughout the night. Poor boy will probably be in kindergarten before I let Tim take it down.

And you wonder how he fell out of the toddler bed last weekend!

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