Thursday, May 9, 2013

Finally … Sunshine!

Alex was so excited to finally see sunshine on a day we didn’t have errands to run that he insisted on going outside in his pjs this morning – even before breakfast. I should have known he needed to perform test flights on his newest rocket!

You can see him counting down … the camera caught him saying, “two”!

After several test flights and a walk-about, Alex asked me to fill up his pool so he could play in the water. He doesn’t like to get in the water, but he loves scooping and pouring. Since he’d found a sponge from the last time I cleaned his pool, we decided to set up a car wash. The funniest thing about these pictures is that my little man hates not having his clothes (including socks) on at all times! I brought him inside to change him into a bathing suit, but for some reason he insisted on his diaper and new sandals:


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