Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just a Day in May

Alex has had a rough few days as a two-year-old, so I was very relieved to have my happy-go-lucky toddler back on Wednesday! Good thing, because I had an OB appointment and errands to run! Here’s a taste of our fun day and an update on Baby.Next!

*Alex woke up to find a construction paper rocket from Daddy on the table. How exciting! Rockets are his new obsession of the week!

*When I told him we needed to get in the car to meet Daddy at the doctor’s office, he insisted we visit Baba instead. Not sure which Grandma he wanted to see – but he wanted one of them!

*Alex was so excited to see Daddy’s truck at the OB office and thought it was hysterical that I got out and he got in. I have such a wonderful hubby – he took Alex to Target to do some shopping while I went in for my appointment.

*Hard to believe that I will be 31 weeks tomorrow! Time has gone by so quickly!! Baby.Next’s heartbeat sounds great and he is growing just as he should be. My belly is huge, but he is measuring perfectly and my weight gain has been very minimal (but still healthy!). We’re still on track for a July 11th due date – though I haven’t made up my mind on C-Section versus labor. The doctors I’ve met have been wonderful and I am SO GLAD I’ll be having this baby in Charlotte since I was not a fan of my Wilmington doctors. Here’s a peek at baby’s face from an ultrasound at 28 weeks: this is a profile shot of his face. You can make out his nose and mouth – then you can see his eye and his little fist in front of his face. He moves around all the time, so this picture was the best we could get!


*After the appointment and oohing over Alex’s new shoes he bought with Daddy, I took Alex to Starbucks. Silly boy drooled over all the treats while I ordered my coffee, then ended up choosing a juice box and fruit pouch. I guess juice boxes are more exciting than cookies when you cut your kid’s juice with mostly water! Afterwards, we went by the park:


Wearing his favorite Mater shirt and new sandals!


Almost a year ago! This was taken June 13, 2012 – and he still loves the steps!

My sweet Alex is such a gentleman! He was several steps in front of me on the sidewalk when he veered off into the grass. I was planning on walking along the edge of this puddle, but Alex, looking very concerned, said, “No, Mommy! Stop” and motioned for me to follow him in the grass. I guess he didn’t want my shoes to get wet!

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