Monday, August 26, 2013

Birthday Parties

Just when I thought we had settled into our new normal, the whole family came down with a yucky stomach bug. Now that we seem to all be on the mend, and I’m getting some sleep at night, I’m finally playing catch-up on the blog. Cross your fingers posts will become a little more regular in the future!

Alex was invited to two birthday parties over the past month. When we went shopping for Rowen’s present in July, I asked Alex what he wanted to get him. His answer, “a blue truck,” was very insistent. We ended up picking out a yellow truck and a black truck instead; I guess no blue trucks were good enough. When Alex picked out two, I really thought he wanted one for him and one for Rowen, but he insisted on two for Rowen, then put both in the gift bag and willingly carried the gift bag in for the party. I was so proud!

Proudly carrying Rowen’s present.
Alex and the birthday boy.
The boy was DYING for some cake!

Alex jumping in the bounce house and on the big trampoline!

Our next party was also our first visit to Chuck E. Cheese’s. Alex was very overwhelmed by all the noise at first, but after birthday girl Cerys brought him tokens and we showed him how to use them, he seemed to enjoy himself. Once again, when we went shopping for Cerys’ present, Alex insisted on giving her a blue truck. Since all the blue trucks were HUGE, we settled on cars from the movie Cars. When Cerys opened her present, Alex kept asking to open the cars, but I’m not sure if it was to play or to watch her play.

Alex’s 2nd ride at Chuck E. Cheese’s … now he’s having fun!
Alex and Cerys, the birthday girl!

It’s hard to believe I’ll be planning a 3rd birthday party in a few months!

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