Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our Family of Four

We’ve been enjoying our time as a family of four! We are much less stressed now that Spencer is home and we aren’t driving back and forth from the hospital. We’ve had several visits from friends and family and lots of food brought in. Thank you to everyone who has come by and sent gifts!

Alex shows more and more interest in Spencer every day (I was a little worried when he wouldn’t even look at him in the hospital). He likes to kiss and hug him, and has even asked to hold him a few times. Alex loves to tell me when Spencer is crying and pooping and is extremely interested in watching me pump. While I know Alex loves his baby brother, he does get jealous with all the feedings and cuddle time! He has the hardest time when the three of us are home alone – he’s used to always being the center of my attention!

Alex loves to bring over books or play games on his tablet while I’m feeding Spencer.
Cuddle time with Daddy in the best La-Z-Boy ever!
Alex asked, “I hold baby?”
Alex loves to get close to Spencer and inspect, hug, or kiss him.
Taking a cuddle break while playing.
I love how Alex has decided all baby accessories still belong to him. Check out his chair!
I even survived my first shopping expedition with the two boys. Too bad there wasn’t much room for groceries!

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