Sunday, January 12, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

We had a great Christmas! We’ve been so busy that we are only now getting back into a semi-normal routine, which is a big reason why I’m so far behind! Tim was off December 20th – January 2nd, so he was home for 2 weeks, which was really nice. He held “bottle boot camp” for Spencer and was very successful! He will now take bottles and formula … yay Daddy!

Now back to Christmas Eve, well actually, let’s go all the way back to Christmas Eve Eve (the night before Christmas Eve). We took the boys to see the lights at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. They put on a pretty cool show! We got to drive under the race track and on the race track by pit row. Alex was very impressed by the lights – Tim and I were mostly impressed by the steep grade of the turns on the race track. We had no idea it was so steep!

Driving under the race track!

On Christmas Eve, Alex and I decorated cookies for Santa before bed time. He actually went to sleep without any problems, but I’m sure that will be different next year. He was definitely excited about Santa coming, even though I don’t think he really had any clue what we were talking about.

Cant you tell which cookies were decorated by Alex?
I asked Alex to write his name for Santa, but he decided to draw a picture of a rocket ship crashing down into the water during a storm (one of his favorite things to draw).
Merry Christmas to Alex and Spencer!

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