Monday, May 19, 2014

Beth is 30 & Mother’s Day 2014

My sister joined the 30 club last week! We celebrated all weekend in Spartanburg, spending Saturday at Artisphere, a street festival in downtown Greenville. We had some yummy food, then grilled more yummy food at our parents’ house, then had more yummy food on Sunday. I’ll tell you one thing, my family likes to eat!

Alex decorating a concrete block that will be part of a Clemson art exhibit.
I hope we’ll be able to find his piece in the finished exhibit!
My new favorite family photo!
The birthday girl jumps in the photo.
Sunday evening, Tim and Alex did the grocery shopping. Alex picked out gorgeous flowers and Tim planned and cooked a delicious meal after the kiddos were in bed. Filet Mignon with mushroom gravy and blue cheese smashed potatoes. Yum!

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