Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So Much Sickness!

I am so ready for all this sickness to go away! There has been a sick person in this house for almost 2 weeks! Poor Spencer started running a super high fever the same evening as his 9 month check-up. I was on the phone with the nurses all weekend and took him back in that next Monday. They called it Roseola (a virus, so no meds) and he started feeling better by the next day. Then I came down with it and had to call my parents in for reinforcement. After I started feeling better, Alex went downhill and had the same high fever and vomiting as Spencer (thankfully I never threw up). The worst part for all of us have been the mouth ulcers – and that part seems to be the longest lasting for Tim and me. I did a little research and discovered we all had Hand Foot Mouth Disease, not Roseola. Still no meds since it’s a virus. At least we didn’t break out in blisters all over! Now Tim has it. What kind of weird virus waits to pick off its victims one by one?

This is the only nap Spencer took the whole time he was sick, and he would only sleep Friday and Saturday nights with Tim or me. We were exhausted!
Poor Alex either slept or watched Bob the Builder all day when he was sick.

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