Saturday, August 23, 2014

Alex’s 1st Dentist Appt

I took Alex to his first dentist appointment on Thursday. First, just let me say, Alex is such an awesome big boy! We decided to have Alex go to the same practice Tim and I go to, rather than a pediatric dentist, and I’m really glad we made that decision! They treated him like a little man, giving him the confidence he needed to have his teeth cleaned. Our hygenist was amazing. She moved slowly, explained everything before she did it, and spoke with a really calming voice. The goal was to do as much cleaning as she could, before he got too wiggly or tired of it. He was perfect! Then the dentist came in and asked if he could check his teeth … and promised him 2 prizes from their treasure chest if he did a good job. Man, Alex was so excited! When we were leaving with his prizes, he told me he didn’t like, but I think he was happy to have his prizes.

dentist (2)
dentist (3)
dentist (1)

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