Thursday, August 28, 2014

Preschool Orientation 2014

Preschool Orientation was Tuesday and Alex’s first day of preschool is September 2nd! Tim and I really enjoyed the orientation. The kids played outside with one teacher (Miss Sharon), while the director/Alex’s teacher (Miss Barrie) walked us through some information for the school year. She also explained the kids’ first homework assignment! They have to decorate a cut-out of a kid and will talk about it during the first few weeks of school. Alex was so excited to buy some supplies that he asked to decorate his “guy” while Spencer was napping and even spent over an hour on it! That is unheard of!

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Such a serious face! He’s just getting started with his stickers and new markers.
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Alex decided to create a construction site. The dump truck, diggers, grabber, driller, and rollers are all working to put a pipe underground. The only influence I had on this side was convincing him to include his name.
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He still had more stickers, so he decided to turn the guy over and make some roads. Then his dump truck got stuck in the mud and needed the tow truck to pull it out. Then the tow truck got stuck and they needed the fork lift, bulldozer, and digger to help them get out. It was so much fun watching this little mind work.
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It cracks Tim and me up that Alex picked this folder. He knows this is Spiderman, but doesn’t know the first thing about him. He’s just been obsessed since he was given a Spiderman sticker at the doctor’s office!

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