Monday, August 4, 2014

Just Mommy & Spencer

So what did Spencer and I do while Alex was in school last week? Well, we did a lot of errands, checked out a new park, and enjoyed the playroom. I think Spencer was pretty confused though, because he often seemed like he was looking for Alex. I think he was also tired from all the time in the car. Thank goodness we’ll only be driving to and from preschool twice a week this year! (I did enjoy grocery shopping and errands with just one child!)

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Spencer grabbed Alex’s magna-doodle for some art time while driving around.
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Entertaining himself while I worked on a grocery list.
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We checked out Jetton Park, which has a sandy play area on Lake Norman. He spent most of the time just pushing the stroller around.
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I need to get this baby to the beach! So sad this is my only sand picture of Spencer.

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