Sunday, September 28, 2014

Back to the NC Transportation Museum

A few weekends ago, Papa Art and Grandma Karen came to visit and go with us to the NC Transportation Museum. Our trip was a special one – it was a reward for Alex for completing a sticker chart for completing the rest of his potty training. Alex has been diaper free (except for sleeping) for over a month! Hooray!

It was a very nice day for a train ride! We all had a blast riding around the train yard, taking a spin on the turn table in front of one of the largest round houses ever constructed, and watching a train engine push another engine into the round house right next to us!

Click here to see pictures from our visit in May, 2013 (before Spencer!)

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Alex was very excited for his second train ride!
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Spencer was a little worried when the train started moving …
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…but then he was entranced by the view.
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Riding on the turn table.
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One of the docents let us know the engine would be on the turn table, so as soon as we heard the train whistle, we ran to the front of the round house to watch.
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Turns out we had a great spot! The engine was pushing another into the bay right beside us!

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