Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Soccer Practice

I’m officially a soccer mom! Alex went to his first soccer practice Saturday morning. He’d been very excited for soccer to start, especially since buying his shin guards and cleats. The team provided shirt, shorts, socks, and a ball for the kids (45 3 and 4 year olds!) and is focused on teaching skills, rather than herding a bunch of kids around a field. About half way through the season, the kids will be divided up and they’ll attempt a few games. I can’t wait!

Alex was great at practice! As usual, he was a little timid at first, but after realizing how much fun he could have, he was really into it. Here are some pictures of all the fun.

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Meeting Coach Rob and learning their song. “We are 3. We are 4. We are here to score, score, score!”
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Learning to dribble
Learning to run and kick into the goal.

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