Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Alex’s 1st Soccer Scrimmage

We had so much fun at Alex’s soccer practice last Saturday … they had their first scrimmage! They split the 40 or so kids up by birthday, so the 2s and younger 3s played on one field and the older kids of the bunch played on another field. Alex’s group actually played pretty well – especially considering they’d only focused on skills so far! Alex was a little out of it from lack of sleep (we later found out he has an ear infection, which explained a lot!) and his cough medicine, but he did manage to get some kicks in there! I can’t wait for next week!

Soccer Scrimmage 1 (1)
Soccer Scrimmage 1 (3)
If you can’t view the video, click here to see it on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like yesterday that you were playing like that for the Hopatcong Hawks, Tim ... where did the time go???
