Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Spencer’s 1st Story-Time

Library story-times never seem to work out for us. I was really hoping someone would have a toddler story-time while Alex was in school so I could do something alone with Spencer. I did finally find one right by school, but the timing isn’t very convenient. Luckily, errands took a little too long last week, so we had to stick around, rather than drive home for 30 minutes. We finally made it to a story-time!

It’s fun to see how Spencer handles situations away from Alex. He was immediately sucked in! He waved at people, danced to the music, loved the stories, and made some friends. I couldn’t believe it when he’d walk a few steps away, turn and laugh, then run back into my lap. I can still remember Alex’s first day of Kindermusik when he cried and cried because they shut the door, then wouldn’t let me put him down! Spencer definitely didn’t want to be held! He had so much fun – and I did, too!

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Spencer loves story time! Yes, he’s in his pajamas!
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Playing with the glue stick during craft time.
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Spencer’s first art project. All we had to do was add the orange tissue and construction paper.
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Mesmerized by the bubbles.
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He loved play time, too!

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