Thursday, October 9, 2014

This Little Dude … Part 2

After my post with the pictures of Spencer sitting in the over drawer, he did so much more crazy stuff! So, I decided to devote another post to Spencer’s true personality coming out. He keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure! If I’m busy with Alex or chores, he always finds a way to get my attention! (Ever wonder why he’s never fully clothed? He refuses to wear bibs, so we’re almost always taking clothes off after every meal.)

We we are upstairs in the office/playroom, Spencer loves to sit in the Mega Bloks table and beg for “ish” (goldfish). He’s just as obsessed as Alex was at this age!
What more can a boy want? Goldfish, a fruit pouch, and milk!
This is how Spencer entertained himself at Alex’s last soccer practice.
This picture makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. We were having a dance party and Spencer just started going crazy carrying things around the living room. If you’ve ever partied at our house, you know we love to run circles around the downstairs … this is Spencer’s version of the fun!
photo (1)
Playing with light switches.

This is the best video ever. (If you are reading this blog post in the email, the videos won’t show … use this link instead

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