Monday, January 12, 2015

A Sick Christmas and a Quiet Blog

We had a rough Christmas! Tim came down with the flu on the 21st and was absolutely miserable the next few days, especially Christmas Eve. Spencer came down with a much milder version on Christmas Day. I started feeling bad soon after that, and Alex was sick on New Years Eve. Ugh! Thankfully, the boys and I weren’t near as sick as Tim. Everyone is better but me … I finally got meds (zpack and an inhaler) last week for a cough that wouldn’t go away, no matter what I tried. I didn’t have many problems with the flu, but I was apparently left with a respiratory infection. I feel much better and am finally sleeping, but my cough isn’t 100% gone. Hopefully I will continue feeling better … and hopefully we are finished with being sick!

So, if you’ve been wondering what is going on with my blog, now you know! Between the flu, taking care of everyone, and just relaxing with Tim home over the holiday break, I just didn’t get around to working on my computer. Now that Tim’s back to work and Alex is back in school, I’m trying to get the house back in order and my blog back in shape. Be patient … I have lots to post!

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