Monday, January 12, 2015

Prepping for Santa

A couple of days before Christmas, Alex was drawing on a piece of paper and decided to draw pictures of things he wanted for Christmas for Santa. I told him we could mail his pictures so Santa would know what he wanted. This was perfect, since we didn’t get to talk to Santa and take pictures with him this year. Here is his envelope, all ready for the mailbox.


Alex wrote his name in the top corner and the “a”s in Santa’s name.

On Christmas Eve, we baked oatmeal cookies and Alex had a blast decorating them. We did this while Spencer was napping. Next year, I know Spencer will love decorating the cookies with big brother!


Before bed, Alex carefully chose two cookies for Santa, filled a cup of water for him to drink, and counted 9 carrots for the reindeer. He also wrote his name for Santa.


Alex was so excited for Santa to come this year!!

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