Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sick Again?!?!

So, of course we had plans last Saturday, and of course I noticed Alex felt warm before he went to bed Friday night. It was 100 … then 102 when he woke up Saturday morning. Then … well, I’ll spare you all the details, but a stomach bug has invaded our house. ARGH! Sunday morning, I woke up sick. I don’t know how Alex managed to play as much as he did Saturday and Sunday, because I was stuck in bed all day Sunday. Thank goodness it was a weekend and Tim was home to take care of the boys! I thought we were mostly better (no more fevers and Alex seemed on the mend), so he went to school today. We came home and played outside in the beautiful weather … then I noticed Spencer felt warm while I was getting him ready for his nap. 102! ARGH! It was 103 before Tim was home with some medicine … then, more stomach bug. I hate seeing my babies sick! Cross your fingers Tim doesn’t get it (though I have no idea how he’ll escape it).

This stomach bug is especially vicious! Spencer went from this


to this in a matter of hours!


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