Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Little Gardeners

We’ve spent the last few weekends getting our yard ready for our garden projects. We moved more stone around to fix some flooding/mud issues, put down new mulch, and planted new plants in our old garden area. Last year’s gardens didn’t get enough sun and/or blocked my view of the yard from the kitchen window. We also had a bit of a delay in garden planning last year (remember the month of hand-foot-mouth … yuck), so we didn’t quite accomplish what we had set out to do. So, to make up for it, we decided to start all our plants from seed and to make use of our huge backyard. My parents brought up their tiller and we tilled almost 200 ft where the playground used to be. The boys had a blast helping and were actually useful helpers! Now we just need the rain to stop, our yard to dry out, and maybe we can start planting!

Alex helped me plant our tomato and pepper seeds in this mini-greenhouse.
Alex and Papa jumping over the freshly tilled rows.
Alex was a big helper and raked the new soil in with the old.
I found Spencer’s sand rake and he jumped right in to help as well.
He’s always looking for an opportunity to be like his big brother!

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