Monday, April 6, 2015

Zoo for Mommy’s Birthday

My sweet hubby took my birthday off so we could day trip to the zoo with my parents. It was a beautiful day and such a fun visit to the zoo. Many of the animals were quite active … and we got to see a few dinosaurs, too! Are you confused? The zoo was prepping for their spring/summer dinosaur exhibit while we were there. The animatronic dinosaurs were bring trucked in to the middle of the zoo and lowered into place with a crane. We watched one on the crane and later saw another on a flatbed truck driving through the African plains.

Crazy Spencer serenading us on the way to the zoo.
Family photo op on the way to the zoo (we were riding in Papa’s Durango, so we weren’t driving!)
Ready to go on safari to find some elephants!
I just love watching the giraffes!

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