Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bye-Bye, Rubbermaid!

It’s been a month since my last post - oops! Tim and I have been super lazy in the evenings, which is the only time I really have to blog. We decided to enjoy some quality time with the television after the kids were in bed before the chaos of starting a new job. What? You haven’t heard? Tim is no longer working for Rubbermaid. He is now working for Bosch as the Software Engineering Manager for a “smart” lighting project that will run off solar power. It’s a great step up in his career and it’s a project he’s truly interested in. I know he’s going to be great! Bosch is in Mooresville, which is further north up I-77 than where we are now. It’s a bit of a commute, but doable until our lease is up and we start looking around for another house closer to Bosch and closer to Alex’s preschool and other good schools. It’s good timing, since we need to move before Alex starts Kindergarten anyway.

As our lives fall back into place, I hope to get back into blogging. I have some posts from June to catch up on … and Spencer’s birthday pictures to post next week!

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