Tuesday, July 28, 2015

DPK with the Ewings

Amanda, Cerys, and Ace recently drove up to play at Discovery Place Kids with us. We had a blast … and I think it’s actually the longest we’ve ever stayed at DPK! After a few hours of crazy fun, they came back to our house for pizza and more fun. Based on the fact that Cerys tried to stay the night, I’d say the visit was a success! Hopefully we’ll see them one more time before the craziness of school and football season!

Alex trying out the mini climbing wall. Spencer wasn’t so sure about it (surprisingly!)
Fireman Spencer, to the rescue!
Farmers Alex and Spencer working together to harvest the apples.
Cerys and Alex dressing up and contemplating a show on the stage.
All 4 munchkins on a cow! Moo!

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