Thursday, July 16, 2015

Spencer is 2 Years Old!

Today was Spencer’s 2 year well check. My baby is getting old! This was the first time I didn’t take the stroller into the doctor’s office, so that’s a big milestone in itself! Both boys walked on their own to the exam room, read the books and magazines by their chairs, then colored with the little books I brought for them. I was a proud mommy! When Dr. Webb came in, he asked Alex to be his helper. Spencer smiled and let him check him out. I smiled when he said there were no shots this visit. Woo hoo!

So … here are Spencer’s 2 Year Stats! Once again, he and Alex are so close!

Height: 35 inches … 75 %ile (grew 1.5 in since Jan) Alex was 35 inches, too!

Weight: 32 lbs, 3 oz … 90 %ile (gained 32 lbs since Jan) Alex was only 27 lbs

Head: 51 cm … 95 %ile (grew 1.5 cm since Jan) no measurements on Alex at 2

My good boy!
My other good boy!
Alex, 2 years old.
Spencer, 2 years old.

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