Monday, August 31, 2015

Our First Camping Trip

I’m so excited to share the pictures from our first camping trip! My family camped all the time when my sister and I were younger, so I’m happy to report Alex and Spencer enjoyed themselves! We can be a camping family now too! We went with our friends Liam, Donna, and Brian to Cascade Lake Recreation Area, which is near Brevard. The weather during the day was beautiful with low humidity. But … the temperature dropped like crazy Friday night … the middle 50’s were definitely not expected or planned for! I ended up covering the boys with towels on top of their sleeping bags. We could not believe how cold it got! Luckily, Tim saved the day with extra blankets, a topper for our sleeping bag, and a space heater. We were much cozier Saturday night!

We didn’t get any good pictures of our awesome tent set-up, but we do want to say thanks to Great-Aunt Cyndi for giving us the tent on our wedding registry! It’s been 7 years and we finally put it to good use!

Spencer, Liam, and Alex pretty much lived on their bikes while we were at our campsite.
We spent Saturday exploring waterfalls in Pisgah National Forest. This is Looking Glass Falls.
Alex and Liam loved walking around in the freezing cold water.
Spencer loved looking at all the rocks.
Alex and Spencer made their own “sliding rock”.
Spencer, Liam, and Alex posing in front of the flagpole. The date carved in the rock was 1963.
Spencer and Alex enjoying their freshly popped popcorn and their new blankets.
These boys were not excited about the light being turned on for a photo op.
Alex and Liam fishing on the boat ramp before heading home on Sunday.
Spencer thought the worms were “cute!”
Talk about two tired boys! A sign of a great weekend!

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