Monday, August 3, 2015

We Love Swimming!

We’ve had a bit of drama with our swimming lessons this summer. I signed the boys up for semi-private lessons in the beginning of June, meaning they were in the water at the same time with an instructor. Our first instructor was great … but we only had 4 lessons with her before she was either let go or unexpectedly quit. Between waiting to be assigned a new instructor and our schedule with summer camp, we missed out on 3 or 4 weeks of lessons. So much for my goal of Alex swimming by the end of summer! Thankfully, we have friends with neighborhood pools. Alex seems to have gotten over his fear of water and Spencer is practically a fish already, so our new lessons with our new instructor have gone better than I could have imagined.

Little cutie loves swim lessons!
Floating with teacher #1.
Practicing their kicks on the ramp.
So proud of Alex … happy to kick and no crying with teacher #2!
Alex cheering on Spencer!
Nora, Spencer, Liam, Alex, Rowen, and Ethan getting ready to jump!
Nora, Liam, “other” Liam, Rowen, and Alex from last summer at the same pool.

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