Thursday, September 10, 2015

Alex’s 1st Day of 4-K!

Tuesday was Alex’s first day of 4K! He is still at Playwise Preschool Academy, but he is now going 4 days a week from 8:45-12:45. This is a pretty big change from last year when he went 2 days a week for only 3 hours. The other big change is that Daddy is driving him to school this year! Alex was counting down the days for school to start … and I kind of was too until the night before, then I couldn’t stop crying! The first morning, I was counting down the hours til Spencer and I could pick him back up! Spencer asked about Alex a few times, but I think he enjoyed playing with all the toys without Alex around!

Alex enjoyed his time at school this week, and I know it’s going to be a great year!

Alex is excited to ride with Daddy to school!
Ms. Sarah, Alex, and Ms. Niki at dismissal. Alex loves them already!
Check out all of Alex’s hair! He also included a small (yellow) pond, grass, and leaves falling around him. I think someone is ready for fall!

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