Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Alex is in his second year of soccer! This year is quite different and much more organized. Though we are in the same league, he’s in the next age group. This means he meets for practice once a week and has games on Saturdays. There are only 7 kids on his team, which is much nicer than the 60 or so 3-year-olds at the soccer clinic last year. While he’s made it to all of the practices, he’s only played one game. He missed the second game due to a cold, and the third game was rained out. Hopefully we’ll make it to all the other games during the rest of the season.

Alex falls asleep on the way to practice every Wednesday!
Alex was always very concerned about the other team scoring. He’s definitely a defensive player.
Getting ready!
Victory dance during warm-ups.
Spencer has been enjoying soccer practice as well!

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