Thursday, September 10, 2015

Spencer’s 1st Week of no Alex

When Alex started preschool last fall, Spencer was almost 14 months old. He wasn’t doing a lot of playing with Alex yet, and really had no idea he wasn’t around on the 2 days he went to school. This year, he was a bit confused when he woke up and couldn’t find Alex. Then, I think he was excited to have the house to himself! We took it easy this week and mostly did chores around the house and played. He’ll be starting Kindermusik soon, and since it’s so hard to find playgroups around here, we may do The Little Gym as well. We also tried out storytime at the library today and he loved it, so I think that will be a regular thing as well. I’m looking forward to my special Spencer time!

Spencer brought me Alex’s robe and said, “brrrr”.
I think he was happy I didn’t have to wake him to bring Alex to school. Thanks, Daddy!
I guess Spencer thought Kovu was cold, because he covered him with blankets and towels while I folded clothes.
Surpisingly, Kovu cooperated for about 10 minutes!
Spencer’s breakfast and a movie while Mommy exercises.

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