Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Alex’s 5th Birthday Party

Instead of the usual themed birthday party at the house, we decided to branch out and host Alex’s party in a different location this year. After a lot of looking around, we settled on a Lego party at Discovery Place Kids. It was great! Alex and his friends (basically his whole class!) met at DPK and played for an hour or so. Then we went up to the party room for snacks, Lego fun, cupcakes, and presents!! We ended the day with a dance party on the center stage. Of course, party day was after two days of family fun! Then … on Alex’s actual birthday, Spencer and I read snowman stories to Alex’s class and handed out snowman parachutes. We had so much fun playing with them on the playground! I’d say 4 days of birthday celebrations is pretty good for a 5-year-old!

In between family visits, we gave Alex his gift … an XBOX One and Lego Jurassic Park. He was SO EXCITED!
Kelsey helped with cake decorating this year! We went with Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon … Alex’s favorite movie.
Most of the party guests … getting ready to start building and crashing.
My sweet Alex … ready to blow out his candles!
Alex had a very excited crowd of friends around while he opened his presents.
Dance Party!
I’d say the party was a success!

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