Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We had a busy Thanksgiving Week this year! The Tuesday before, Alex had a feast at school. He and his friends were so cute in their Pilgrim hats and Native American head bands! Then, Thursday we ate Thanksgiving dinner on Lake Norman with a beautiful sunset and all my mom’s side of the family. Friday, we attended my cousin’s wedding on a beautiful tree farm north of Charlotte. One the way home, we drove through the Christmas Lights at Lazy 5 Ranch and visited with Santa! We are thankful for good food, lots of wine, fun with family … and a Sunday to rest after it was all over!

Alex’s serious face in his Pilgrim hat.
Alex and his class made a list of all the things for which they are thankful.
Loving the tire swing at the lake (they had just gotten off their bikes).
You can see pure joy in these faces!
My cute family, watching the sunset over the lake (photo credits to Unc!)
Alex was excited to see Santa. Spencer backed away and said, “No!”

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