Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mommy’s 1st Sub Day

I was called in to be a sub in Alex’s class before Christmas break. Well, I was a sub for a sub … but still, I’m glad I was useful! Since I would be there all morning, the 3K teacher offered to let Spencer join her class. He was so excited to go to school with a backpack, just like Alex! He didn’t even look back when I left him on the playground. Incredible! I checked in during Alex’s recess and found Spencer eating snack with his new friends. The teachers said he had participated and done a great job so far! Alex had a great morning as well. It was fun to see him leading the class on updating the calendar (his job that week) and I got to see a preview of the holiday show. I had fun spending the morning with 16 4-year-olds. Maybe I have a future as a preschool teacher??
Alex and Ms Niki counting the days in December so far.
Spencer and a friend eating snack.
The 3s class doesn’t eat lunch at school, so he joined Alex’s class for the last 45 minutes.
Rehearsing for the holiday show!

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