Monday, January 7, 2013

A Walk in the Park

Alex had a lot of energy while running errands this morning, so we made an unexpected trip to one of Wilmington’s many parks. I love how they are spread all over the city, making it so easy to burn off a toddler’s steam whenever necessary! We started by making friends on the playground, then took a walk to watch the dogs in the dog park, and continued on to the duck pond. Then we repeated the whole thing when Daddy came to meet us during his lunch break.

I love this one. He is telling the geese to “move” back to the water so he can watch them swim!

Alex is talking up a storm these days, and his words are becoming clearer everyday. In this video, you can hear him telling the ducks/geese to go back into the river (he calls all bodies of water, even his bath water, a river). Towards the end, I know he is telling me about the ducks in the water, but I’m not quite sure what else.

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