Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back in the Groove

After almost 2 weeks away from our friends, we finally got back out to play this morning at Fit For Fun. Alex’s friends Lydia and Lukas were there – and I got to talk to their mommies! It’ll be nice to be back in our play date groove!

Alex was totally obsessed with the motorcycles this time around, which is funny because the last time he even bothered with the motorcycles was last January. He mostly pushed them around, but I did manage to get a picture when he finally got on the motorcycle. I wanted to be able to compare it to last year’s motorcycle snapshot. It’s amazing how much he has changed in a year!

January 12, 2012

January 3, 2013

Now that we are unpacked from our trip and the 5 loads of laundry are put away, I should be able to go back in time over the next few days to post about our Christmas – so stay tuned!

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