Friday, January 18, 2013

Saying Our Good-Byes

Alex, Tim, and I have been very busy getting ready for our big move, but we have still made time for friends and fun! Alex and I have played with friends every morning for the past 2 weeks, which has been great for extra long naps! Plus, I’ve had plenty of time to chat with my friends. I even made it to a Moms Night Out for fondue with my mommy friends. We are so thankful for the friends we made while living in Wilmington, and can’t wait to show them around the Queen City when they come to visit. Today’s play date was especially hard since we had to say our good-byes, but this hormonal mama made it without falling apart too much. Alex just hugged on demand, said his cute “bye-bye”, and kept looking at me like I was crazy.

Tim has been busy too! His coworkers took him out for happy hour last night and planned a hot wing eating contest at Wild Wings for lunch today. His entire group showed up to cheer him on! The crazy guys even had the chef send out his special, only available on request, super hot wings to try. Thankfully, Tim had already had enough and didn’t try the ghostly hot wings!

So we pack the truck tomorrow and drive to Charlotte Sunday. Wish us luck! I’ll post again next week once life slows down and we have internet at the house.

Since I can’t make a post without at least one picture of Alex … here he is playing with Lydia the other day. It figures I couldn’t get them to both look at me at the same time!

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