Monday, September 23, 2013

Apple Picking

We went apple picking at Carrigan Farms with Tim’s boss and his family over the weekend. Alex had so much fun visiting the animals, seeing the quarry, and picking apples! This morning he even told me he was going to pick apples again today. Spencer was very good and slept in his carrier the whole time. I’m so excited for fall weather and all the fun festivals and events this time of year!

I actually captured the moment Tim was bitten by the pig. Alex pulled Tim’s hand back and wouldn’t let him pet the pig again. Tim thinks it’s payback for his love of all pork products!
Alex loved walking amongst all the trees! There were Red and Golden Delicious trees on this farm.
Alex was frustrated by how hard he had to pull the apples.
Apparently, pulling the bag was easier.
This is my favorite picture of Alex! The boy ate 3 apples yesterday!
Spencer was snug as a bug in his carrier and slept the whole time!
Hitching a ride back with Daddy.
Poor Daddy was loaded down with a backpack full of apples and Alex.
My boys and me!

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