Sunday, September 29, 2013

Memphis Belle

We took the boys to see the Memphis Belle at the Concord Airport this afternoon. Well, not the Memphis Belle, but it was the B-17 that portrayed the Memphis Belle in the movie. In case you don’t know, the original Memphis Belle became famous in WWII because she was the first B-17 bomber to finish a tour of duty and she brought back all of her men without a scratch! The plane we saw today was painted to look like the original for the 1989 Memphis Belle movie. There are only around 13 B-17s that can still fly, so it was neat to be able to go inside this one. Too bad we didn’t have $450 a person to take a flight!

Alex was very excited to see the Memphis Belle and enjoyed his tour. He was a bit bummed afterwards that he only got to see 1 airplane. I think he thought we were going to the Aviation Museum again!

Mommy helping Alex up the ladder. Behind us you can see Tim’s coworker with his wife and one of his boys.
It was neat seeing the movie Memphis Belle, especially since Tim and I almost saw the original when we visited Mud Island in Memphis when we were first dating.
Alex is practicing his thumb’s up!
After being inside, I couldn’t imagine flying in one!
Peeking out at Daddy.
Such a funny action shot. He was supposed to be posing by the propeller!

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