Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spencer is 2 months!

Well, this post is a little late. He was actually 2 months on the 11th, but I was waiting for his 2 month well visit on the 20th to write this post so I could share his newest stats. The pictures are from the 11th.

Height: 24 in … 77th %ile (he’s grown 2 in this month)

Weight: 13 lb, 5 oz … 60th %ile (he’s gained almost 3 lbs this month)

Head: 41.5 cm … 94th %ile (he’s added almost 2 cm to his head circumference)


Spencer loves his brother and almost always smiles when he sees him. He coos and smiles all the time and is a happy baby for the most part. He is very strong and can hold his head up for several minutes at a time. Spencer’s sleep schedule is still a little off, as he usually won’t go down for the night until 12:30 or 1:00 am. At least he will sleep anywhere fro 4-6 hours at that point. We are having lots of fun with our two crazy boys!

Alex, 2 months
Spencer, 2 months

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