Thursday, September 19, 2013

Spencer’s Surgery

On Friday the 13th, Spencer had minor surgery on his bottom to heal a small fistula which had gotten infected and formed a painful bump 3 times in 3 weeks. I guess Friday the 13th is lucky for us – the surgeon only worked on Spencer for 6 minutes. It took longer for the anesthesiologist to put Spencer to sleep than it did for the procedure! The surgeon was very happy and is confident Spencer’s problem should be solved.

The hardest part of the whole day was keeping Spencer happy even though he couldn’t eat 6 hours before the surgery. Spencer sure is a trooper! The nurses and hospital staff loved him and called him their little VIP.

Spencer has healed very well! His follow-up appointment is soon, then this whole episode should be all over!

We kept this cute hospital gown for dress-up.
Sleeping on Daddy and sucking his fingers like crazy.

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