Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spencer is 9 Months!

Spencer turned 9 months old on the 11th, but I’ve been waiting to write this post after his well baby check-up. Here are his stats:

Height: 29 inches … 70th %ile (he grew 1 inch in 3 months)

Weight: 20 lbs, 14 oz … 67th %ile (he gained almost 2 lbs in 3 months)

Head: 47 cm … 93rd %ile (his head grew 2 cm in 3 months)

Spencer is quite a handful these days. He is realizing he can stand on his own, he can cruise the length of the couch, and he has conquered the stairs. We really have to watch this crazy boy! I think he would probably do anything for Alex. Spencer has figured out how to crawl up into Alex’s bed and wrestle – a routine Alex has dubbed “bear fighting”. When Alex walks away, Spencer holds his hand out to him and calls him back. It’s so cool to watch them interact!

Spencer is 9 months old!
He is such a goof ball!
This baby is a FAST crawler!
He rubs his ear to fall asleep just like his big brother!
Alex, 9.5 months
Spencer, 9.5 months

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