Sunday, May 24, 2015

1 Down, 14 More To Go!

Alex’s last official day of preschool was Thursday. Where did this year go? It went by so quickly!! We go back to school on Tuesday for a quick show and party. Alex had a great year and has learned so much! Just some of the academic skills he’s mastered: counting 1-14, recognizes all upper-case letters and knows most of the sounds, writes his name … and so much more! Even his 2 days of preschool a week have matured him in amazing ways. He has developed some leadership qualities at school, tries to help his friends stay on track/out of trouble, loves to help/”do jobs”, spends much more time concentrating on crafts and projects, and asks so many complicated questions!! I can’t even imagine how much he’ll learn in 4K!

Alex will go to 3 summer camps this year. Two will be through his school … 1 week he’ll learn about the ocean and the next he’ll get to do some cooking. He’ll also do a mini farm camp with a friend on nearby Latta Plantation. I’m working on swim lessons for both boys, we have swim play dates already planned for the summer, and the moms in our play group are getting together soon to plan other fun play dates. So, we will definitely keep busy this summer!

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1st day of 3K! Sept 2, 2014

Last day of 3K! May 21, 2015
My super cool dude!
First day of summer vacation starts with a picnic breakfast and cartoons.
Next, we set up the sprinkler and pool and enjoyed some water play (even though it was kind of chilly)
We played on the see-saw, too!

Stay tuned for pictures (and hopefully a video) from Alex’s party!

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