Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Puppy Party

*This post was written on May 26th, but due to technical difficulties, it couldn’t be posted until today.*

Today was Alex’s puppy party at his preschool. The kids sang a few songs, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, received a certificate, and then played on the playground. I did get a short video of their welcome song and Alex receiving his certificate. I also have some good pictures. Make sure you check out my post on the last day of school to see how Alex has changed from the 1st day of school to the last!

Click here to view this video.
Alex and his friends singing their welcome song.
It’s snack time!
Spencer loves playing on this bike.
Alex and Ethan … Best friends!
Alex and Miss Sharon, his assistant teacher this year.
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Alex & Miss Barrie – 1st day of school
Alex & Miss Barrie – end of year party

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