Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kid Senses Children’s Museum

This post is a month late! Oh well, at least I’m finally getting the pictures on here. So during Spring Break last month, the boys and I met Amanda and her two kids in Rutherfordton at Kid Senses Children’s Museum. We chose this museum because Cerys had previously gone on a 4K field trip there and told Amanda that Alex and the little boys would love it. She was so excited to show us around! It’s a small museum, but all the kids had a blast. I think Cerys and Alex really liked that it was small enough they could wander off by themselves and still be close by. We’ll have to go back at least once to explore the garden and outside area we missed this time.

Alex making huge bubbles.
Spencer kayaking in the toddler area.
Spencer and Ace playing with magnets (Happy Birthday, Ace!)
This kids’ only climbing structure was a hit! It took them between floors.
The only shot we got of all 4 kids!
Cerys pulling a bubble around Alex and me.

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