Monday, May 4, 2015

Dan Nicholas Park

The boys and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and venture up I-85 to Dan Nicholas Park with our good friends, Miss Donna and her son, Liam. The park has a mini train, carousel, a few animal exhibits, gem mining, a huge playground, and a pond. They also have paddle boats and a splash pad, but those attractions aren’t open quite open for the season. All three boys had so much fun! They even talked us into riding the train twice!

Alex refused to take normal pictures …
Posing by the engine.
Alex and Spencer are so proud of the gems they found!
Comparing gems and rocks. Spencer carried his favorite rock around in his hand the rest of the day.
Alex is showing his muscles.
My silly boys. Thanks, Donna, for taking pictures of us!
We had a blast and will have to do it again soon!

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