Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fireworks on the Beach

Carolina Beach just put on the best fireworks show! Nothing like sitting on a blanket with your little family while watching 25 minutes of fireworks and listening to the waves crashing. We went out early so Alex could run around and get some energy out. Good thing we did – it was super high tide and Alex was in love with the ocean. Thank goodness! Last weekend, Alex shook his head, “no” every time a wave came in! Alex sat down to eat a sandwich just before the first of the fireworks started. He immediately looked up and was entranced. I was very impressed with him – he only got up a few times to wander around, but he always came back and kept 1 eye on the sky.

Happy 4th of July!


Watching the waves come in.



Preparing to throw a shell into the waves.

Look at our cute family of foot prints!


The rising moon was gorgeous!


There was just enough light to see his look of awe!

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