Thursday, July 26, 2012

Busy Board & iPad

As you can see, we’ve had two very busy weeks. First we had a visit from Grandma Lisa and Kelsey, then this past weekend Grandma & Grandpa Murff came to visit. They surprised us with their newest masterpiece – a busy board for Alex! I sent them a picture a few weeks ago and mentioned that Alex might like one and they just went to town! Check it out!

It’s a great toy for sensory play with lots of tricky parts to manipulate. We’ve been amazed at how much he can already do!


The flash light is currently his favorite part!

While Alex was fascinated with his new toy, he also loved playing with Grandma’s new iPad. The only problem is that whenever we FaceTime with Grandma on my iPhone, Alex ends up hanging up on her because he’s trying to poke her face. Good thing Grandma understands!
IMG_5103 IMG_5108

Alex was pretty much obsessed with Grandpa the first few days they were here. He always wanted Grandpa by him and playing with him or chasing him. I think Grandpa probably slept really well the night he got back to Spartanburg!

IMG_5111Climbing on Grandpa for story-time IMG_5117
This picture cracked me up!
It’s a Kovu photo bomb!

Of course, we spent some time at the beach. We pretty much just eat good food and visit the beach when my parents are in town. Yum! Here’s a really great shot of Alex riding on Daddy’s shoulders after a long walk on the beach.


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