Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grandma Lisa & Aunt Kelsey Visit

We were very excited to have Grandma Lisa and Kelsey here to visit for a long weekend two weeks ago. Alex wasted no time taking advantage of two more people to boss around. He was throwing balls for Kelsey to fetch in no time! We kept very busy – so busy that Alex took a 3.5 hour nap the day after they left! What a lucky Mommy!

Alex loved showing Grandma Lisa his cage (which he created by himself – I promise Grandma Lisa did not put him in the cage!) … and loved keeping Kovu out of it!!


I love the mischievous grin on his face.


No, Kovu, this is MY cage!

The first night, Tim had to work late, so Alex and I took Grandma Lisa and Kelsey to picnic on the beach and watch the fireworks. Carolina Beach does a great 10 minute fireworks show every Thursday during tourist season!


Kelsey and Alex having a discussion about the ocean.

The next day, Tim took a much needed day off from work and we ventured over the river to Southport via ferry for lunch. Alex loves riding the ferry because we let him sit in the front seats of the car with us. He has a great view of the sea gulls chasing the ferry and the other boats on the Cape Fear River that way. Daddy loves riding the ferry too, because the sound of the engine and the great breeze through the open windows always lulls him to sleep. Here are a few pictures from before he passed out!

Alex and Daddy watching the other ferry pass by.

We went to the beach the next afternoon. It was really nice visiting the beach in the late afternoon after the sun has started slipping behind some of the beach houses. We spent some time in the waves, which were crazy big! Alex is never interested in getting anything past his ankles in the ocean, so since we had additional people with us, Tim and I finally got to jump some waves. Afterwards, we spent some time burying Alex in the sand. I guess it makes sense. We buried Kelsey the first time she came to the beach and we buried Tim the next time. Maybe I won’t go to the beach next time Kelsey is here.
We hope they come visit again soon!

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